Monday, May 7, 2012

What I have learned

I am a little late but last week was National Infertility awareness week so in an effort to write something about that since that is a subject close to home for me I thought I would write about what I have learned.. I come across woman all the time that say they are going to start a family and for some it happens really fast and for some it won't.  For those that it does not if you were to ask me for any advise it would be this..

1. For the horrible 2 week wait..  wrap your mind around the fact that there is nothing you can do or not do that will make this happen.  It either will or won't and in my experience all my ways to try to de stress only stressed me and my body (without even knowing it) out even more.  Just go about your day and do your normal routine obviously within reason but all the "do this" and "dont do this" that is running through your head.. get rid of it!!  Your body will be much happier if you just go about your day not obsessing about something you can do nothing about.

2.  As much as I love the Baby center and other types of websites where a community is available for you try not to spend too much time.. or  obsess on these sites.  Remember first and foremost that your story is YOURS and no ones eles and the getting caught up in comparing ourselves to these other woman can cause stress again where it is not needed to be.  Also limit yourself on the amount of research time you do because again too much time learning certain things is harmful in my opinion.  You want to be your own advocate so research and knowledge is a good thing but again... in moderation.

3.  As much as the process is so hard and painful at times be careful how many days you allow it to take away from you.  God is good no matter what and you are allowed to be  happy even though it is not happening right now.  Have faith and hold on but not too tight that you are loosing out on what you have now for what you are trying to have when the time is right.

I continue to pray each day for each and every one of you that have to go through the pain of infertility and together we can be each others light that continues to shine bright!

Until next time...


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