Monday, March 5, 2012

Mail it Monday's...

Recently I created a group on Facebook called Mail it Mondays in an effort to encourage one another to keep the giving of paper alive.  With email and text (which I do love) we find ourselves loosing touch with the personal touch of mailing someone a card for whatever the occasion.  I know that I love to get cards in the mail and I hold onto them for years to come.  This is one reason why I love Christmas so much, with each day I look forward to opening the mail box to see what card I have gotten that day.  I am sadden each year to notice I receive less and less.  I know life is fast paced and busy.  I am very guilty of letting things slip by all the time but what I have noticed is doing things together and helping to keep each other excited makes the daily tasks at hand even more fun to do.  Having a plan and doing little things to make it easier help get closer to whatever that goal or task is.  I am not super organized but having a box with all my cards in it makes  Mail it Mondays so much easier and I am finding how much I am enjoying Monday Morning, even with all the hustle and bustle of getting back to the grind this day can bring.  So I challenge you to join in with the fun and get mailing.  Today I am mailing to my vet and his staff for his recent kindness and extra effort in making our dogs surgery a success.  Poor guy had cancer on his face and now with their help he is hopefully cancer free!  Before now I would have gotten lost in my daily grind and would have perhaps forgotten to share my thanks and bring a smile to him and his staff with something as easy as a card in the mail.  Using our stamps for smiles... Who will you bring a smile to today?

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