Friday, December 9, 2011

Knowing who you are allows you to hold on in the dark times..

Remembering today to be a proverbs 31:25 woman. As I wake up feeling down, tired and discouraged I need to remember that I may not determine my circumstances but I do determine who I am and it allows me to stand strong in defining who I really am. It is easy to be you in the easy times, but being you in the hard times brings on true character. For today, I am a wife to a wonderful man. I live a beautiful life, I have wonderful friends and family and although I may not hear the pitter patter of those little feet running around my home I would never trade what I dream of for what I have right now. The love of my life that I still get butterflies thinking about, the way his smile makes me feel when he comes home, the way he always knows just what I need and loves me even in all my many imperfect ways. Yes, I want more and I will never allow anyone to make me feel selfish for that.. but I also know where I am now, and I am blessed for this storm as I know that it is only preparing me for what lies ahead.. what that is I do not know but I am willing to walk it out and find out. What I have learned is as your storm goes on for what feels like forever. Find ways to remind yourself of the truth of the matter when you have those days that you have a hard time holding on. The pictures I create, the quotes that I display are all ways I do this because it is hard... so hard to some days not just allow the lies to swallow you up. Find ways to allow the light to shine in always..
Thank you for reading and taking the time to share in my journey as I continue to Walk tall while leaving my bold footprint on this thing called life one day at a time...

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