Friday, January 22, 2010


Someone said to me the other day that when someone shows you who they are believe them. I had to really digest this. Isn't this so true? Don't we so often see someones true colors and we don't want to believe it. They are so clearly showing you who they are and we just act as if it does not exist. I know that people are not perfect and they make mistakes but at what point do you just believe that they are the person they are showing you they are? If there is one thing I have learned in my life it is that you can not change people. You can encourage them to be better and hold them accountable for their own good but if they are not willing to do what it takes then you can not assume that for them. You can not allow them to bring you down or compromise who you are. So what am I showing to others of who I am? When am I going to just start believing people when they show me who they are? Is doing that putting God in a box and saying that he can not bring change or help them? All many things that have been whirling around in my mind lately which is a crazy place to be. Thank you for continuing to take the wild ride into Anne's World..


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