Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The lens we choose..

I think at times we struggle with the real life emotions that we have. Life seems to go by so fast. Each day we carry heavy burdens. It is hard to slow life down and really be present in moments that we often look back on and wish we could do different. Times we are quick to anger or to just miss an opportunity to be nice. I had one of those moments the other day. I woke up not feeling well and in a funk. One of those days you just don't want to see anyone or talk because you know you can not be the version of you that people want you to be. I felt stretched, stressed and just worn thin. One task I had to get done was to go to the post office which I was dreading. As I pull up to the post office even too tired to have washed my face or put on any make up I think, I will just go in and out real quick as to avoid as many people as possible. As I pull into the parking lot I see it is very full and lots of people with packages. I sigh with frustration. I see an older couple, a very cute couple with many packages I am guessing for loved ones, maybe grandchildren.. As I get out of the car seeing them in front of me, consumed with myself and my funk wrapping around me squeezing me tightly I begin to move quickly as to get in front of them so to enter the post office before them to avoid waiting in line behind them. You know, my quick get in and get out plan. As I am doing this I find myself called to slow down, think this through, (Eucharisteo). As I do this I begin to grab for the post office door while looking over my shoulder at the cute older couple with packages overflowing in each of their arms and I, at this moment have the opportunity to get over myself or continue on as I may have done so many other times before. I choose to continue to slow down, take a deep breath while I open the door for this couple that I could not help but smile at when I see them. I help them in the door with their packages. As I do this the older man looks at me and tells me what a big help this was and today I was Santa's little helper. I am thankful for this as I find my funk, which was squeezing me so tight that I could not breath ,releasing. I found myself smiling. As we stood in line the older man reminded his wife that I was before them but took the time to help them out so I should go ahead of them as I only had one package. Wow, this man, who thought I was such a blessing to them that day was to me. I am thankful for him and the little ways he helped me realize what I was about to miss that day. I kindly told them thank you but that I am in no hurry. As I really was not. So that day my gift was the act of slowing down and embracing the joy of another and the view I had on the difference one small decision can make.

Taking the time to stop, breath and allow our powers to release us of our chains bonding us to the darkness so that there in that moment there can be light.

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