Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the process of discovery...

As I sit here and reflect on my life. I digest the good and the bad I realize that I say things without even realizing what I am saying. As I find myself in a place in life that is no where that I want to be. I just want it to end I want it to go away, I find myself saying that I just want my life back. Today I realized that is not what I want at all. I do not want that life back, I know the life I want and that is why I need to continue to fight. I know the life I want so today I say, that I do not want my life back I know the life I want and I am going to get it! I sit here and realize how close I am. How many steps have been made and the many blessings I have. All the pieces of the puzzle are coming together just perfectly and this actually brings me such joy! I am so close I can taste it and right now is exactly when the devil wants to make me believe even more that I can not do this and that this may never happen. Could I have it all? Could this person looking back at me in the mirror be just who I was meant to discover? A new and improved Anne ready to take on the next chapter of her life. I say yes and I want for you to believe the same things for you! Thank you God for revealing this to me today. When my mind is so filled with what is not going right I was able to focus on what is going right. So in your time of need, in your storm, whatever it is do this.. Take time to sit, be still.. Let it all digest.. Nothing more you have to do today is that important. Go and sit alone and quiet your mind. I pray you are given the peace that I have been given today. Tomorrow is another day but for today I have peace that I am just that much closer to my dream...

Moving forward not behind and doing it with a smile...

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