Thursday, April 1, 2010

You know what I do , but do you know who I am?

Real Estate is what I do- it is not who I am. Who I am is a person who loves God- Loves his people and wants to do what he needs me to do each day to bless those around me. Real Estate is the career I have chosen- One that I am passionate about because it is a tool that allows me to bless people who need someone to care about them during a big event in their life. Whether you are moving today, tomorrow or you just need someone to talk to- that is what matters to me. Yes- I am a realtor- a good one- but beyond all of that I am just a person like you dealing with the same struggles each day. I am not a superhero, I am just me. I am an asset to you not just because I have all the right tools and knowledge (because I do) but because I am me, a person who does what I say I will do. A person who does right by people and a person who knows WHY I do what I do each day. I have a purpose and a vision. I sell houses yes- but more important I serve people. So thats my story- I look forward to meeting you, hearing your story and helping you in your Real Estate journey or just getting to know you and sharing in the joys or the sorrows of life.

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