Knowledge and turning the page...
Through my journey with trying to conceive my head has been filled with such knowledge. Knowledge gives you power and allows you to have a bit more control in your life. I say control but I have realized that I really do not have any control over what happens only over how I react to it and what I choose to do with it. For so long I did not do the best with my given situation but I am learning now that by allowing myself to know more is only helping me to get closer to my dream but that I can not control when it happens. I know what it feels like to feel alone in this journey as many of my friends and friendships changed when pregnancy happened for them and not me. It was no fault of anyone it just is life. In my most recent chapter of this journey I discovered, at the encouragement of a friend, a website that has been so helpful to me. This is a place for knowledge to grow and for you to start relationships with other woman who know exactly what you are going through and a place for you to help share your knowledge with other woman. The website is Baby Center and I know once you click here you will be hooked.. If you are struggling or know someone who is with trying to conceive I encourage you to go there, read and learn and put yourself out there enough to interact and reach out to other woman. It was hard for me because I did not want to be "one of those woman". Like there is something wrong with them which there is not but I just never thought I would be going through this. I used to think it was something to be ashamed of and that I could not share that part of my life. A black mark on my name or something. But know this, there is nothing wrong with you as I needed to realize. If this is your journey own it. Because it is part of who you are and in the end we can never no matter what we do change that and why would we even want to? Being normal is no fun.. Being true to yourself now that's real and really what is normal anyway?
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