We all have things we struggle with. Life is hard and we so easily can get caught up in our own problems. I am most guilty of this and as I sat the other day and digested some people in my life and their situations, the conversations with them it made me see things a bit more clearly. As I sat and heard the story of a woman who at the age of 35 found out she had breast cancer. My friends best friend. This friend of mine afraid of loosing her best friend. The reality of that give me a feeling I can not explain. This women as she told me her story and journey so far had such peace and a calm about her. She was embracing it and in her I found such strength. I thank God today for my health.
As I think about a friend who just lost her son. I pray for her each day and in awe of her courage..
For the friend who's sister just lost her husband. I thank God for my husband. A man who has changed my life and continues to take my breath away in the way he loves me.
So tonight as I find myself unable to sleep, feeling overwhelmed and obsessed with my own current situation I am reminded that like they say in one of my favorite Christmas movies "White Christmas"
-If you are worried and can not sleep just count your blessings instead of sheep. Then you will fall asleep counting your blessings. -
And tonight I am doing just that
Sweet Dreams...