As I sit here listening to the rain fall and sip on my coffee I am filled with such peace. I think of jesus and the times when he would just go sit in a place of silence. Yesterday was a great day and a reminder to get away from time to time and just go to a place where you can just turn life off, relax and just think. Just be silent. Dustin and I decided to spend the day at the beach yesterday. We rose early in the morning and hit the road with the top down headed to Ocean City Maryland. We had such a fun and relaxing day filled with a Starbucks coffee stop, delicious breakfast outside at the Bayside Skillet, serenity of just me, Dustin and the sound of the crashing waves on the beach, boardwalk fries, Candy Kitchen fudge and dinner by the bay. I have a feeling that yesterday will stay with us for years to come as a day for such peace in each other and with where God has us today and has had us in our journey. Things you could very easily take for granted were embraced to a new level and our souls were filled up. So today every time I look in the mirror and see my red sunburned nose I will laugh as I remember our fun in the sun day at the beach. I look forward to the next fun trip and thank God for all the beautiful things in life that I often don't take the time to really see...
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