Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some will,some won't, So what..

You are going to have people in your life that will care about you and what you want in life. There will be those that won't. I am challenging myself to focus more on those that will and less on those that won't. I need to stop putting energy and time into those that don't care and allowing them to affect my attitude, diminish my goals and my purpose. Start really believing who people show you they are. Know who does support you, cares about you and who will help you get to where you are going. Focus on the bigger picture and remember that allowing those who don't care or support you to be your focus will only allow your goals, dreams and those who do believe in you to slip out of site.

You are here for a reason, great things are in store for you. Each day remember, Some will, Some won't, So what !

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