Although I am not much of a New Years resolution person I have made the choice to start getting back into going to the gym again. The holidays took me away from my routine. So this week I started back and I feel great! It is amazing how good you feel when you leave the gym. Although I may be very sore it is such good therapy for my soul. I then question myself about why I am not always as committed to the gym as I should be. The answer is always "I don't know". I think this is true of many things in life. There are so many things that we know we should be doing and when we do them we feel so much better. So why don't we do them? I think the answer is many times "I don't know". It is weird to me how if we have no reason why we would not do it then why don't we do it? Why are we wired this way? I also find it very interesting how although we know what we should be doing we are surprised when we end on the wrong path and do not arrive at the destination we intended. There are some lucky people out there that can stay thin and in shape and not work out but it is rare. I fell into this same trap asking myself why I had gained 15 pounds and felt horrible about myself when all along I knew it was because I did not exercise or eat right. I did nothing to get to the destination in which I intended to arrive but then seemed surprised when I did not arrive there. I see this so many times with people in life. They really WANT to do something but they just don't do it. They don't want it bad enough or they just think it will happen on it's own. This year although I do not like to set New Year's resolutions I pray that I can be more of a "Just do it" kind of person. That I do not allow myself to justify things I know I should not be doing or not doing things I know I should be doing. I pray this for you too because I know how hard this is. I think it is very important to have people around you who constantly motivate you and challenge you. I am blessed to have people like that in my life. They make me want to do better and be better. I pray that you will find people like that if you have not already been blessed with them in your life. So here's to not just saying that 2010 is going to be a good year, here's to MAKING 2010 a great year!
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