So as you all know The Philadelphia Eagles signed Michael Vick with a 2 year contract. Now this horrible man who did such horrible things will now be an Eagle. When I first heard this news I was at the Eagles Stadium watching the first pre-season game of the year. Suited with my Westbrook Jersey on and filled with excitement for another great year of football and anticipating the roller coaster ride in which we all partake each and every year. The ups and down, the love and hate we can have for our team. When I first heard this news I felt like I was punched in the stomach. I was one of those people watching his trial and saying lock up the jerk and throw away the key. If you know me you know I am a very strong animal lover. I have such a love for them and what they bring to my life and the life of others. They are so precious and innocent so of course this is why I felt so strong about not ever wanting this man to see the light of day and would love to have seen him rot in a cell with no food or water and a horrible ending to his life. This to me felt like it would be a cake walk considering what he did to those animals. But now here I am faced with this man being an Eagle. Ok. It is done. We can do nothing about it. So what do we do? All the hate towards this man is valid but lets look deeper into this. Try to walk deeper into this with me even though I know it is hard to do. I am a Christian and to be a true Christian means to forgive. To save a life, to show them the way to Jesus and Heaven. Tony Dungy is involved in this and although I do not know him personally I have read about him and seen what he has done as a christian in the world of sports. My sports fan, level headed husband has also brought to my attention more that he has done that I was not even aware of. Tony Dungy's faith and strength through some very hard personal tragedies in his life is amazing. He is a mentor and has a passion for changing the lives of those who have fallen in the wrong hands and have not had the guidance they need. Some of these people have done things worse than others but in the bible it says no sin is greater than another. this is what gives me the ability to see past the anger and the rage that I feel. So Vick made a wrong choice and he did some horrible things. Dog fighting is a very big problem in many places, Philadelphia being one of them. So lets just ponder on what it might do for a figure like Vick to now come back into the spot light and help to educate others about how wrong dog fighting is. To help bring this very big problem to the surface. Bringing something to the surface is never easy and most often very painful but this is truly the only way to bring about change and to make a wrong right. I know that the animals involved would not want to have died in vain. I know that they would want for their death to bring about more life. More life in dogs that will not be mistreated in the same way they did if Vick were to turn this into a positive movement. This not saying he is not an ass and that what he did was not wrong. None of that changes. Now lets go even deeper. So lets say he does this, my next reaction was will it be sincere? Will it be from the heart and not just him doing this for his own glory or fame. If it saves a dogs life then I still think it is worth it and to go into the deeper layer could it save his soul too remembering as Christians that is our main goal. To look into the eyes of a sinner and show them another way, to look into the eyes of someone hurting and show them it can be better. Now that person has to want it. I have spent a lot of years of my life trying to help those around me who just did not want it. I beat myself up and felt like a failure for so long but it was not me it was them. Vick has to want it and for his sake I hope to God he does. I hope that his heart is pure and he wants to make this change. Because then the lives of those dogs will have not been for nothing and the life of our lord Jesus Christ, dying a horrible death at the cross would not be for nothing either. Let's all remember that Jesus died so we can live and be forgiven of our sins. So today I pray that Vick will live and let his heart be made pure and he share his story with others so that it can make a difference. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen....
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