Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just what I needed

Sometimes getting away is just what you need. I realized this after having the most amazing 2 weeks away with amazing friends. Over the summer I planned a cruise with some very close friends of mine. It seemed like it would be forever until it got here but it was so worth the wait. This was planned first but our first adventure was to Ireland the beginning of Feb. Wow, I have to say this place still has a piece of my heart. The Irish people are so kind and welcoming, the landscapes are breathtaking and the company we were blessed with you can not put a price on. Good times, good conversations and making memories with amazing people. We were so blessed to be asked to join our friends on this trip and so glad we made the last minute decision to go 2 weeks prior to the actual trip. Needless to say those 2 weeks were crazy- planning and getting ready but I think that added an element to the trip that made it all the more special. Sometimes you need that fly by the seat of your pants feeling. Just do it! And so we did Feb 2nd we flew the skies to Dublin Ireland and so began the first stage of my healing heart.

The second phase was a cruise. Again with some very good people who we were blessed to spend the week with. This was our first cruise and so yes, there was some uneasy feelings and some throwing up but that was so worth it to make the memories that we did. To share the smiles with someone who to walks with me in my journey. Maybe the only person left who may understand what I carry along with me each day. To my friend I am sorry that you carry this and I pray that you too will very soon be sharing smiles with me when our new chapter begins. But until then I am glad that the smiles on this trip were made while we sailed away from Baltimore. First stop, Florida- Coco beach. So relaxing. Hearing the waves crashing, allowing my thoughts and for my pains to be a bit more understood. The feeling of such removal from the mess and the noise of what has been my life. Next stop the Nassau Bahamas where some fears were faced. The leap of faith was not just a slide this was also the plunge I will be taking in my real life adventures as they continue. I felt all the same. The fear, the unknown, the tingle in my body as I left go of the sides of the slide and felt my body just be free in the air, as my body crashed into the water I felt alive once again! As I know in real life there is fun and then there is pain as I also experienced while falling and leaving a chunk of my toe behind at that water park at Atlantis. As I limp around even today, days after returning home I laugh and realize that the pain, the fear, all of it was worth it there that day and it is too in my life each and every day. Freeport Bahamas was also a great place. Another beach allowing calming serenity and time with my hubby as we shopped and enjoyed it just being us. Remembering and discovering the people in both of us that has slowly been slipping away.

As we arrived in Baltimore once again.. Time to go home and go back to life I realized that I had changed. Life does that to us from time to time. I know that with each experience I will change and grow but what I got back was the feeling I had before. I am no longer dumb. I can feel again. I can breath and really feel the air go into my lungs, I want to go back to the girl who digested life slowly. Sipping on it like a fine wine or like the Jameson Whiskey that I grew to love in Ireland.
Living life with those we love, making smiles and memories for years to come. Now that is what life is all about....

Love, trust accept....